
Changhao Li

MSWE Student at UCI

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About Me

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1st year Master student at University of California, Irvine, majoring Software Engineering. Seeking a software engineer internship position starting in May/Jun 2024. Software Engineering student with 3 years of project experience including full-stack and mobile application. Strong knowledge of computer science, mathematics and statistics, and solid programming skills in Java, C++, Kotlin, Swift, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, hands-on experience with SpringBoot, Django, React, Hibernate, Firebase, AWS, GCP


Duke University

Summer Software Project Intern

• Owned the design, development, testing, and documentation of full stack application supporting multi-platforms, including features such as events management, customer feedback collection, and data visualization, served 10K+ daily users

• Implemented front-end using SwiftUI and React on IOS and WEB, created RESTful APIs using SpringBoot framework, deployed the back-end server in Tomcat container, optimized user flow and website usability through Figma

• Integrated SSO using Duke Shibboleth, achieved communication between IdP and SP using Attributes Release Policy and SAML message, conducted testing, and deployed Duke Shibboleth software on Apache Server

• Pulled and parsed JSON data containing 5K+ events entries from Duke Events Calendar API, collected feedback from users using Qualtrics, and implemented the database schema using FireStore to record minimum 20k+ rows of data

• Identified opportunity to upgrade data visualization using Recharts, implemented four forms of tables to help analysis


University of California, Irvine

2023.09 - 2024.12(Expected)

Master of Software Engineering

Duke University

2021.08 - 2023.05

Master of Electrical Computer Engineering (GPA: 3.6)

Related Course

ECE550 Fundamental Computer System & Engineering

ECE551 Programming, Data Structure & Algorithm In C++

ECE568 Robust Server Software Engineering

ECE650 System Programming & Engineering

ECE651 Software Engineering

Xidian University

2017.09 - 2021.06

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (GPA: 3.8)


Advanced Mathematics

Probability and Statistics

Linear Algebra

Signal and Systems

Digital Circuits and Logic Design

Fundamental of Analog Electronic Technology

Microcomputer Principle and System Design

Physics of Semiconductor

Full-Stack Projects

Renew Trade

A second hand goods trading platform based on SpringBoot and React

View Project

Meal Swift

A SpringBoot and React based DoorDash-like web application

View Project

Amazon Light

A full-stack E-Commerce web application based on Django and C++

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System Programming Projects

HTTP Caching Proxy

C++ based multi-thread caching proxy server handling HTTP requests

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Thread Safe Malloc Library

Self-implemented thread safe malloc library written in C

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Sneaky Kernel Moduel

Malicious kernel module based on C

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Mobile Application Projects

Duke Events Helper

IOS/Web multi-platforms events management app

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Mini Spotify

An Android Based music player mobile application

View Project


Contact Me
(+1) 984-259-7918
1000 Elements Way, Irvine, CA